About searchanalyzer.io

Why keep publishing new content when existing content has not yet been improved? Many pages rank for different search queries, although the pages have room for improvement in terms of keyword coverage. This was the impetus for the development of searchanalyzer.

With searchanalyzer you get the opportunity to optimize content based on data. Your content is compared with the Google Search Console data and potentials are quickly made visible. If you now improve the relevance, you will have reached significantly more visitors with little effort. The efficient way to continuously improve your website.

Stephan Czysch, founder of searchanalyzer.io
Stephan during a presentation at SEOkomm (Photo: Erika Mayer Photography)

The team behind searchanalyzer

searchanalyzer.io is a project by Stephan Czysch . Stephan has been working with the possibilities of Google Search Console and technical SEO for several years. He regularly speaks at conferences such as SEOkomm, OMT or SEOday and publishes specialist articles and books, including the specialist book “SEO mit Google Search Console” (O’Reilly) in 2014.

With searchanalyzer.io, Stephan offers a solution to optimize websites with the Google Search Console in a data-driven way.

Do you have any questions? You can contact Stephan personally at stephan@searchanalyzer.io.